Whether you are processing protein or wrangling livestock, you need the best hand protection for both the cold temps and the hazards of the job. From liners to exclusive innovations like the Touch-Rite Nib, we offer a wide range of gloves and mitts to meet your needs. Don't remove vital hand protection to key in data - with our touchscreen liners, Key-Rite Nibs and Touch-Rite nibs, you can get all the duties of your job done without exposing your hands to the cold. Our convertible mitts give you added warmth when you need it and dexterity when the job requires a finer touch. You can choose from the natural warmth of wool, the natural toughness of leather, the strength and flexibility of synthetics and more with wide range of handwear. So get on with your day and don't worry if you're protected. With RefrigiWear, you know you are.