RefrigiWear KeyRite Gloves

RefrigiWear KeyRite Gloves

6 products
  • Insulated HiVis Super Grip Glove with Key-Rite Nib
    Insulated HiVis Super Grip Glove with Key-Rite Nib


  • Insulated Abrasion Safety Glove with Key-Rite Nib
    Insulated High Dexterity Glove with Key-Rite Nib


  • Insulated Cowhide Leather Glove with Key-Rite Nib
    Insulated Cowhide Leather Glove with Key-Rite Nib


  • HiVis Super Grip With Key-Rite Nib
    HiVis Super Grip With Key-Rite Nib


  • Extreme Freezer Glove with Key-Rite Nib
    Extreme Freezer Glove with Key-Rite Nib


  • Ergo Goatskin Glove with Key-Rite Nib
    Ergo Goatskin Glove with Key-Rite Nib


Gloves can't protect you if you remove them to use a keypad. RefrigiWear's exclusive Key-Rite Nib works on keypads and pressure sensitive screens. Stay accurate and protected at the same time.