Extreme cold weather coats are not all made equal. The Iron-Tuff® Inspector coat is tougher, warmer and ready for more. The longest days, the harshest conditions, the toughest jobs - none of it is a match for this coat. Extra long for more protection, with side seam slits to access your pant pockets, this coat offers functionality beyond -50°F protection.
- 11.25 oz. RefrigiFill™ polyester insulation
- Tear and abrasion-resistant 400 denier nylon outershell
- Water-repellent, wind-tight finish
- Brass rivets reinforce stress points
- Bound seams seal out drafts
- Heavy-duty brass zipper with storm flap
- 2 Oversized insulated front pockets and chest pocket
- Knee-length coat
- Nylon collar
- Adjustable waist belt
- Side seam openings for trouser pocket access
- Snaps for 0081 Hood